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Six of Pentacles

Writer's picture: Devi ShankarDevi Shankar

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

Six of Pentacles is very simply about give and take and maintaining that balance. Which side are you on?

Six of Pentacles Tarot

Six of Pentacles Meaning - General

Six of Pentacles in tarot shows two beneficiaries and one benefactor. The benefactor is holding a balance in one hand and is doling out coins with the other.

Which one are you, are you the one on the giving end or receiving end? This card need not necessarily be about money. It can also extend to power, knowledge, affection, compassion, or any kind of resources, tangible or intangible.

Balance is the crux on which life survives. After all, life is a zero-sum game.

Six of Pentacles as a general meaning, advises that if you are facing any challenges, ask for help. Remember that there are kind and generous people around that are willing to help.

On the contrary if you are doing well, be nice and kind to others. Help others in need. If you represent the benefactor in the image, it could signify that you are in a very good position in life and are respected and looked upon by others.

Let us look at the Six of Pentacles in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.

Six of Pentacles Love

Love Reading for Relationships

Six of Pentacles in love reading advises balance in the relationship. Ensure neither of you are taking on too much load or responsibilities of the relationship. Maintain equal give and take and be generous and understanding towards each other.

Love Reading for Singles

Six of Pentacles in love for singles asks you to heal any money or career issues you have first.  Take care of yourself with self-love and self-care. If you are a giver, be open to receiving to bring in that balance in life.

Another possibility is the universe asking you to be generous to attract the right partner into your life. It is also possible that you might meet your partner at a charity event.

Six of Pentacles Career & Finance

Six of Pentacles in career suggests that you could be doing well and are very successful at work. You are also rewarded well.  Be kind to your colleagues or teammates and support and nurture them where required.

If you are confused on your career path, you could seek out a mentor to give you a sense of direction and clarity. Or you could act as a mentor for someone else in need.

Six of Pentacles can also indicate an income – maybe a bonus or some gifts from your organization or client. Your investments are yielding results. If you have applied for a loan, it will be sanctioned.

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