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Tarot Card Reading for Career

Writer's picture: Devi ShankarDevi Shankar

You might wonder about Tarot Card Reading for Career and whether they really help.

Tarot Card Reading for Career

When it comes to our careers, whether deciding whether to accept a promotion or a new job offer, changing careers, or even determining one’s purpose in a particular career path, things can get fuzzy.

Of course, skills like researching or consulting mentors can be in mind, but, tarot card reading for career can be rather useful and give a different perspective.

It is very important to clear the misunderstanding that whenever we deal with tarot, we will be predicting events that are yet to happen. Contrary to this, the primary aim of tarot is to look back and seek directions.

With the help of Tarot card reading for career, one can engage deeply with his or her feelings, organize thoughts coherently and figure out what options are available for further onward progress. Or what kinds of obstacles might just be faced when engaging in a certain process.

Let’s talk about how tarot card reading can be helpful in the world of career and which cards and spreads are most useful.

How Tarot Card Reading for Career Directs Towards Options

Self-Reflection - Tarot enables you to tap into your inner resource. Sometimes you do know exactly what you should do, it has come to you in your heart of hearts, but then there is the cold sweat. A tarot reading can make those hidden feelings come out.

Insight into Options - If you are unsure whether to take a certain route in life, tarot card reading for career can show you what may happen if you make the right decision as well as what may happen if the other choice is made. It doesn’t prescribe how to go about it but gives you the wisdom that enables you to make the right decisions on your own.

Addressing Fears and Blockages – There are ways of addressing one’s fears and blockages through tarot card reading for career. Tarot can help you to identify the core issues, which can be a belief which keeps you stuck or a fear. For instance, fear of failure or feeling of low self-worth is usually depicted somewhere on the cards and can be addressed the moment they are recognized.

Tarot Cards That Sometimes Contribute to Career Choices 

Some tarot cards frequently appear when the focus is on career related questions:

The Chariot: Stands for the drive and achievement. It often implies that you should work harder and you will make it in your job or business.

Ace of Pentacles: A strong card which represents fresh opportunities in terms of working and earnings money. It encourages one to sieze the moment of opportunity when it appears. \

Eight of Pentacles: Focuses on skill acquisition, effort and perseverance. If this card shows up, then consider going back to school again or working on perfecting a skill.

The Tower: This card is an indicator of some form of shake-up in an individual’s life. However wild it may seem, it can mean that one needs to makeover his or her career and look for a new job.

The Hermit: Points towards one having to look at his/her inner demons. Sometimes you should take a pause, remind yourself about your objectives, and embrace your intuition.

Modern Tarot Spreads for Career Clarity

Career Path Spread 

This spread focuses on your current state, issues, prospects, and the future. It typically uses five cards:

Card 1: Your current position

2: Obstacles or challenges

3: Opportunities to capitalize

4: Opportunities ahead

5: Long-term outcome

Two-Path Spread

Perfect for deciding between two options, this spread uses six cards:

Card 1: Where you are now

2 & 3: Opportunities and challenges of Path A

Cards 4 & 5: Opportunities and challenges of Path B

6: Advice for moving forward

Clarity Spread 

Use this three-card spread for quick guidance:

Card 1: What’s blocking you?

Card 2: What should you focus on?

Card 3: The next step to take

How to Get the Most From a Tarot Card Reading for Career

Have a Clear Question - Asking questions in this manner will provide better answers such as, what should I look at when deciding to change my career path?

Be Open to the Message: What it does is speak the truth to those who are willing to listen as Tarot rarely provides what you would like to hear.

Pair Tarot with Action: Having read the insights outlined above, draw a connection between the insights which you have read and the practical choices that may be made. For example, if the cards are about skills need to be developed, then one could enroll for a course or seek for an experienced person.

Final Thoughts

It is in this light that tarot card reading for career can serve as actual reflection; make you understand yourself and your chosen career path better, just like a map isn’t used for telling the future but helping you choose the right path.

Whenever you feel lost and need guidance or just a new vision, tarot can be helpful in your career path greatly.

Why not give it a try? Lastly, you might be surprised by some answers you get to the questions.


My Digital World 🌏 - Devi Shankar




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