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The Empress – Tarot (#3)

Writer's picture: Devi ShankarDevi Shankar

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

The Empress is considered to be the mother card of the tarot deck. You can see the Empress sitting in a fertile garden in the midst of nature. Let us see what the Empress card means.

The Empress Tarot

The Empress Tarot Meaning - General

Given than the Empress is the mother card of the deck, this card appearing in a tarot reading is suggestive of exploring your maternal instincts. This need not be literal, but indicates related motherly qualities of compassion, understanding, fulfilling, and nurturing. If you are a man, it suggests getting in touch with your softer side, be more compassionate and communicative in your relationships.

As a mother, one gives birth to new life. On the same lines, this card can suggest new beginnings or nurturing and sustaining existing aspects of your life.

The Empress is a card of fertility. Quite literally, it can mean conception or pregnancy. But in a more subtle sense, you can see The Empress sitting in a garden of thriving plants or crop. This indicates a very fertile time of your life. It is a good time to sow the seeds of any new job or venture or relationship that you wish to nurture and grow.  There is abundance coming out of such actions.  You have or will have more than is required and there is lavish rewards coming out of your actions.  Although the Empress rewards you with abundance, yet it is advised to stay grounded with your feet firm on the earth.

The Empress card is the archetypal opposite of the High Priestess. The High Priestess asked us to tune inwards and work on ourselves inside out. The Empress, on the other hand, focuses on the external and is about satisfying our external senses. She asks you to focus on your body and take care of it. Self-care and self-love and following a healthy exercise and diet regime is advised.

The Empress also asks us to appreciate mother earth. Appreciate nature and be close to it. Go outdoors, listen to the sounds of nature, and feel connected to it.

Let us look at the Empress in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.

The Empress - Love

Love Reading for Relationships

The Empress in love can indicate deep, compassionate love in a relationship. This is a period of growth, fertility and nurturing within the relationship. You might be looking to go closer to nature and experience nature together. The card also advises looking after each other.

If you are looking to conceive, this card is a very positive card that indicates pregnancy.

Love Reading for Singles

The Empress in love for singles could indicate an abundance of potential suitors. If you are looking for love, the universe is sending true love and abundance of love your way.

If you are not looking at love, or have just been through a heart break, the Empress suggests looking after yourself. Self-care and self-love will do you a lot of good. It might also help to pamper yourself with some spa or nature holiday. Focus on your personal growth before seeking out new love.

The Empress - Career & Finance

The Empress card in career suggests a fertile time to pour energy into new projects. There is abundance and creativity at the workplace. This card indicates a period of successful projects that leads to high growth and prosperity.

Be nice to your team, colleagues and others. Be compassionate and understanding to get work done. Activate the feminine side of your energies in dealing with people at work and fostering the right team spirit.

The Empress could suggest work from home opportunity or a creative career coming your way, for those seeking this.

The Empress is a great card for finances. This signifies abundance and prosperity coming your way. Any financial ventures sowed by you will be highly successful and fruitful.

Be compassionate and share your wealth with others in need.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What does the Empress mean in love?

The Empress in love means support, richness, and happiness. To singles, it highlights the possibility of a caring and loving relationship to develop. For people in relationships, it indicates \intimacy in relationships, and increasing tenderness emphasizing reciprocal loving.

2. How does the Empress relate to marriage?

The Empress in marriage is all about progress, the ability to conceive and grow into a family. It may propose birth or adoption of children, the nurturing of home as well as improving on the feelings of the partnership. This card focuses on loving and being loved and welcoming positive power into people’s lives.

3. What does the Empress suggest about career opportunities?

The Empress in career is a symbol of creativity, efficiency, and wealth. It may indicate creative endeavors, teamwork, or industries which involve care giving or nurturing nature of professions. This card signifies accepting teamwork and making the best of the power you have to motivate and encourage co-workers.

4. Can the Empress indicate challenges in love or career?

Although the meaning of The Empress in love or career is mainly positive, there could be an overprotectiveness or dependency connotation to it. In love, it cautions that you should never lose who you are as a person because when you are in love you tend to forget yourself so much that you end up completely identifying with your partner. In career, it frowns at attempts to be too encyclopedic and do too much for people or within organizations.

5. What advice does the Empress offer for personal growth in relationships or work?

Spiritually the Empress is instructing you to use your creative and mothering aspects. In love, always focus on the foundation of the relationship with be care, support, and development. At workplace, trust your capacity to create ideas, and avoid derailment that kills team spirit. Harmony is actually the key to prosperity in every aspect of your life.

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