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Three of Swords

Writer's picture: Devi ShankarDevi Shankar

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

What do you feel when you see the Three of Swords. Evidently, this is one of the scarier cards in the Tarot Deck. With three swords piercing down through the heart, the downward pointing arrows indicate deep pain and sorrow. Let us see in more detail below.

Three of Swords Tarot

Three of Swords Meaning - General

There are many things bad that the Three of Swords could mean – deep sorrow and pain, heartbreak and loneliness, disillusionment and depression, hardship, and difficulty. So, which one applies to your situation?

Whatever the feeling, this is pain at the deepest level. You wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy. But with pain comes strength and growth. It is a universal truth that pain is needed for us to grow in life.

So, instead of brooding over the pain, the best thing to do is to look forward and find ways to process the pain. Can you bring in some time and space to help you deal with the situation? Or can you find some external help to help deal with this?

Three of Swords tarot card focuses on the situation or event that causes pain, rather than a person causing pain. It is an advice to work on changing situations, or taking actions to move forward in life, rather than dealing with people and trying to change them.

Remember, time is the best healer. All you need to do is give yourself some time, and healing will follow. You will emerge a much better person out of this whole ordeal.

Let us look at the Three of Swords in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.

Three of Swords Love

Love Reading for Relationships

While the swords suit generally is about mind and intellect, the Three of Swords can be directly attributed to love and emotions. The piercing heart in the image makes this very much a matter of one’s heart.

Three of Swords in love clearly depicts a heartbreak. It may or may not indicate divorce or separation and one needs to see supporting cards to understand the possibility of an eventual divorce or separation.

But there is a breakdown in communication, there could be frequent arguments that only spiral into more arguments.

The three swords here could be indicative of a third person interference. This could be infidelity, or possibly another stronger family member or friend influencing the situation very powerfully.

Love Reading for Singles

Similar to the above, this is probably a time of grief for singles. There could have been a recent break up that is yet to be overcome.

There could be potential indications of cheating in one’s previous relationship that has impacted you mentally quite a bit and affected your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Three of Swords in love is a symbol of weak communication, and hence, this could be a message for ensuring that you have clear communications in all your future dates to avoid potential heartbreaks.

Three of Swords Career & Finance

Taking reference from general interpretations of Three of Swords for career, there could be a breakdown in communications at work. Maybe a strike. This needs respectful conversations and continuing communication to resolve the issue.

This card could also indicate a job loss, and possible financial difficulty arising from a job loss. But remember that all is not lost. This is a temporary situation. Use this time to rediscover yourself. To do things you have previously never had time for.

When combined with a relationship context, it could also indicate a huge financial settlement arising out of a divorce settlement.

From a financial perspective, this card urges you to be more mindful of your future expenses and to make a logical or rational plan to manage your money better.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What does the Three of Swords mean in love?

Three of Swords in love means parting with loved ones, loss of love, sadness, and heartache, unfulfilled love and lost in love. It may mean that a relationship is over, one person cheated or there are many issues making the person depressed. It is hard to do but it does make you analyze why and how to get over it or use it in order to grow further.

2. How does the Three of Swords relate to marriage?

Three of Swords for marriage indicates a period of quarrels, distances, distractions, or miseries that will come within a marriage. It points to the concept of apology for having offended one another, and the importance of seeking ways of reconciliation.

3. What does the Three of Swords suggest about career opportunities?

Three of Swords in career often implies a backlash, job loss or conflicts in the workplace that may be disappointing you. It may concern betrayal or letdown in a partnership. This card also instructs to look for the silver lining and possibility of learning from this experience rather than sulking in it.

4. Can the Three of Swords indicate challenges in love or career?

Well, the Three of Swords is a card of trials; it symbolizes sorrow, bereavement or disappointment. In the case of love, it is bitterness or separation. In career, it alerts one about failures, conflicts or losses. But yes, it is a good reminder that the pain in fact heals and that pain breeds success along with growth.

5. What advice does the Three of Swords offer for personal growth in relationships or work?

Three of Swords’ message is to not run away from your suffering. In relationships, it promotes communication as a way of tackling the cause of conflict. If applied in work, it implies one getting challenged from losses and needing to make a comeback. It’s first and foremost necessary for one to open and let their emotions go through the healing process.

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